Sunday, November 16, 2008

Sahabat baik.

hurm..smalam besh gile tidowh! besh ar duk sorang ni..tensen2 pun tak serabut..hihihi..
dalam hidup aku aku sayang sangat 2 orang ni(selain mak ayah aku la) sangat2 sayang..die adalah kawan baik aku.. apabila aku adew prob..kalo aku ngadu..aku tak tensen..

orang itu adalah angah & kakcik :yehaa..kawan baik yang aku sayang dunia akhirat..yang lain hanya kawan biasa2..adew setengah kawan tuh..harap jew baik.. tapi makan di belakang..sumpah aku tak suka dunia akhirat, menyampah.. tak saba nak abesh blaja..nak duk luwa..skarang sume orang sungguh hipokrit, budak berhinggus , tak matang ..

dorang sangat bermakna dalam hidop aku..sangat2 bile aku adew masalah..dorang memang bole dipercayai, dah tidak membocorkan rasia aku..hahahha.. insyaallah satu hari nanti aku nak duk ngan kakcik..sebab aku sayang dan percaya die.. orang lain.hurm.. takleh percaya 100%, sebab sume pentingkan diri.. aku hanya adew kawan2 biasa.. hahahhaha..(kakcik ngan angah adalah cinta aku).memang dorang jew yang aku bole percaya.. yang len nak amek kesempatan sume..

nak sangat pelok kakcik ngan angah.. i love u so much.. cepat la balik angah.. along janji.. nanti kite jalan2.. 2 jew.. besh kan..along nak citew prob along ni.. orang len tak leh percaya..sume penting kan diri..hahahaha..

p/s :jangan terasa sesiapa berkenaan..siapa makan cili terasa pedasnya..

Thanks for the memories

I'm gonna make you bend and break.
Say a prayer, but let the good times roll,
In case God doesn't show.
And I want these word to make things right,
But it's the wrongs that make the words come to life.
"Who does he think he is?"
If that's the worst you got,
Better put your fingers back to the keys.
One night and one more time.
Thanks for the memories.
Thanks for the memories.
See, "he tastes like you only sweeter."
Been looking forward to the future,
But my eyesight is going bad.
And this crystal ball,
Is always cloudy,
Except for (except for)
when you look into the past (look into the past)
One night stand.
One night and one more time.
Thanks for the memories,
Even though they weren't so great.
"He tastes like you only sweeter."
They say I only think in the form of crunching numbers.
In hotel rooms,
Collecting page six lovers.
Get me out of my mind.
Get you out of those clothes.
I'm a liner away,
From getting you into the mood.

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